Simone Fiore Handstand with Acrolama
Handstand Multilevel Workshop

Handstand with Simone

  • Date: 12 Apr. 2022
  • Spots left : 14
  • Location : TBZ Gym 5th Floor
  • Address : Sihlquai 101, 8005 Zürich
  • Class: 19:00 - 21:30
  • Door Open: 19:00 - 21:30


Handstands are not something you learn overnight, and it is something that Simone in particular who has spent years and years playing, working and exploring on his hands knows well. That said, there are ways to approach this journey, little tricks and insights worth sharing and learning.

This workshops is to get these tips for you practice, maybe get some new approaches to handstand, but also for the ones who might want to explore and find more and new possibilities.


Some handstand experience. We won't start from 0.



Simone Fiore

Although he is often seen playing handstand in photos for Simone there is a whole world of possibilities of expression behind the body movement, handstand just happens to be one he has explored the most recently in The Physical Theatre Academy in Switzerland.
Although he is often seen playing handstand in photos for Simone there is a whole world of possibilities of expression behind the body movement, handstand just happens to be one he has explored the most recently in The Physical Theatre Academy in Switzerland.