DI Cycle Inversions on bodyparts
Movements Multilevel Cycle

Inversions on bodyparts

  • Date: 09 May. - 30 May. 2023
  • Spots left : 16
Student Cycle AboCHF 70.-
Cycle AboCHF 90.-
Drop inCHF 25.-
  • Tuesday Class
  • Location : TBZ Gym 5th Floor
  • Address : Sihlquai 101, 8005 Zürich
  • Class: 20:15 - 21:15
  • Door Open: 20:00 - 21:30


Entdecke ein neues Up-Side-Down-Universum. Weg von den klassischen Moves, hin zu neuen Variationen von Kopf-, Schulter- und Handstand unterstützt duch eine Base. Sei neugierig und lass dich überrschen wie leicht sich eine kopfüber Haltung anfühlt, wenn dich deine Base am richtigen Ort unterstützt. Technische Finessen sind uns dabei genau so wichtig, wie spielerische und kreative Moves. Das aufbauende Training bietet Herausforderungen für jedes Level. Umrahmt sind die Inversions von einem spezifischen Warm-up und entspannten Cool-Down.


9.5. Shoulderstand on Bodyparts

16.5. Headstand on Bodyparts

23.5. Biceps-/Underarmstand on Bodyparts

30.5. Handstand on Bodyparts


Keine Vorkenntnisse in Yoga, Acroyoga oder Handstand erforderlich.



After spending her childhood doing circus arts, Lena got introduced to Acroyoga in 2017. Ever since, she cannot live without it. It brings her Joy, challenge and lots of laughter. She loves joining classes and workshops herself and sharing all her knowledge from Acroyoga, Circus Arts and Handstands with other people.
After spending her childhood doing circus arts, Lena got introduced to Acroyoga in 2017. Ever since, she cannot live without it. It brings her Joy, challenge and lots of laughter. She loves joining classes and workshops herself and sharing all her knowledge from Acroyoga, Circus Arts and Handstands with other people.



Nadine is deeply convinced of the valuable contribution that Acro brings to modern society. Having discovered her passion for it 8 years ago at a big Acro Jam in Berlin, she has since trained extensively and learned from various sources, including Partner Acrobatics, Acro Yoga Montreal, and Move Chi. With a background in yoga and the creative industry, Nadine infuses her mat sessions with a playful style, technical precision, good music, and a light-hearted spirit.
Nadine is deeply convinced of the valuable contribution that Acro brings to modern society. Having discovered her passion for it 8 years ago at a big Acro Jam in Berlin, she has since trained extensively and learned from various sources, including Partner Acrobatics and Acro Yoga Montreal. With a background in yoga and the creative industry, Nadine infuses her mat sessions with a playful style.